Monstera Dilacerata, also known as the Burle Marx Flame, has elongated, pointed leaves, which often curl at the end. When mature, these plants have large fenestrations that extend nearly to the midrib of the plant. This specimen is well rooted, and will include the Thiccly Moss Pole
Approximate Height: 14”+
Approximate Width: 12”+
Largest Leaf Size: 6”+
Growing Media: Aroid Potting Mix
Aroids enjoy moderately warm and humid climates. The plant shown here lives in an environment that is approximately 70F, and around 70% humidity.
Please Note: If temperatures in your area are below 50F at night, please consider adding a heat pack to your order!
All plants are shipped with their roots wrapped in Sphagnum Moss, a paper towel, and plastic wrap to retain moisture for the root system. Foliage is then wrapped in a soft material, and then the whole plant is wrapped in black tissue paper to secure the plant from movement in the box.
Upon arrival to your home, check the roots for any signs of damage or rot. If rot appears, trim the affected roots with clean scissors or pruning shears, and plant into the new pot with the above specified growing media. We recommend waiting a day to water your new plant after repotting, as this will reduce the risk of root rot.
Please note that yellowing or browning leaves could occur in transit.